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Property Management Tech Guide: Company Highlight


InsuraGuest is a company that provides insurance solutions for vacation rental property management companies. The company offers a range of insurance packages that can be automatically embedded in all reservations for a nightly fee, which property management companies can add a market fee on top of to generate additional revenue. InsuraGuest's insurance products are designed specifically for the vacation rental industry and are intended to complement and fill gaps in existing liability and risk coverage.

Some features of InsuraGuest's insurance products include:

  • Coverage for property management companies, managers, and owners on the property management system's platform
  • Specialized risk management agents to understand clients' unique business requirements and operations
  • Thorough risk assessment to identify common issues and risks, and to develop a plan to reduce them
  • Review of current coverages and costs to identify potential savings and areas where coverage should be expanded or reduced
  • Volume discounts for clients managing multiple properties

InsuraGuest's insurance solutions aim to protect property management companies from medical claims made by guests that are not the property's fault or for which they are not liable. These claims can potentially erase a company's profits overnight. InsuraGuest's insurance products are intended to provide the right type of coverage with the appropriate risk levels so that clients can feel confident in their protection.

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