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Jervis Systems

Property Management Tech Guide: Company Highlight

Jervis Systems

Jervis Systems is a company that provides a platform for automating access to smart locks and garage doors for property managers. The platform can be used for a variety of properties, including vacation rentals, single or multi-family rentals, hotels, and corporate housing.

Jervis Systems offers a range of features to help property managers automate access to doors and locks, including:

  • Integration with property management systems (PMS) to automate the process of granting access to guests
  • Automated guest access, allowing guests to enter a property using a PIN code or Bluetooth key
  • The ability to securely grant and revoke access to doors and locks, even if a guest loses their credential
  • A web-based dashboard and mobile app for managing access to doors and locks

The goal of Jervis Systems is to make it easier for property managers to manage access to doors and locks, and to provide a seamless experience for guests. The company does not publicly disclose pricing for its products and services, but it does offer a free trial.

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